Wednesday, December 12, 2018

AP Lit: Second Semester Required Reading, Spring '19

While we will supply you with a number of poems and short stories, you will need to acquire three books on your own for second semester:

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886)
by Robert Louis Stevenson

by William Shakespeare
The Handmaid's Tale
by Margaret Atwood

The links above take you to the B&N website, but you are welcome to find copies wherever you prefer. For Jekyll and Hyde, make sure you have an unabridged version of the original text. For "the Scottish Play," make sure your version aligns with the Folger Library edition. And for The Handmaid's Tale, you do not necessarily need the edition that ties in with the current Hulu series; an older edition will do.

Please have The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde read for when we return from the winter break in January.

Happy Holidays!